Please read and familiarize yourself with the following policies and procedures at Viewmont Elementary School and Murray City School District.
MCSD Board Policy PS 401 – ATTENDANCE
Legitimate Absences are:
- Personal illness of pupil (Principal may require a note from a doctor.)
- Serious illness or death of a member of the family
- Grave emergencies demanding the help of the pupil at home
- Unavoidable delays or failure of transportation
- Other circumstances that in the judgment of the principal constitute a justifiable absence from school and for which arrangements have been made with the principal in advance.
Absences for reasons other than those listed above will be considered as unexcused absences.”….
Click here for the complete Board Policy PS 401
MCSD Board Policy PS 436.1 – TRUANCY (Attendance, Excused and Unexcused Absences, etc.)
School principals and counselors will follow these guidelines to assist parents/guardians and their children in achieving regular school attendance. While this policy is generally applied on an annual basis, prior attendance patterns may be considered and reported when making a referral to the District’s Attorney’s Office or Third District Juvenile Court.
- Send the Student Absence & Compulsory Attendance Laws to parent/guardian at the start of each school year.
- Following 5 Total Unexcused Absences in a school year, student and parent/guardian shall be counseled over the phone regarding the importance of attendance and the legal implications of truancy. Compulsory Education Violation/Truancy Citation Notification Letter #1 will be sent home by mail or through personal service”
Click here for the complete Board Policy PS 416.1
“This policy is enacted to create a safe and orderly school for students, staff and patrons at school and school sponsored activities. This policy provides guidance for the appropriate handling of any situation that: (1) could place students, staff, or patrons, at risk of harm or in imminent danger and (2) will foster a positive, orderly learning environment. Student acts of disobedience, defiance, violence or criminal behavior such as: physical assault; possession, display, or use of a weapon or facsimile; threats against life or property; gang activity that places any person at risk or harm or in imminent danger; distribution, possession, or use of controlled substances; or any other act that creates a hostile environment or requires a law enforcement investigation are prohibited in all Murray City School District schools.”…
Click here for the complete Board Policy PS 416
“Student dress should promote and maintain a healthy and focused educational environment where students are safe and happy. The dress code should not interfere with the learning environment.
The primary responsibility for a student’s attire resides with the student and parent(s) or guardian(s). The school district and individual schools are responsible for seeing that student attire does not interfere with the health or safety of any student, and that student attire does not contribute to a hostile or intimidating atmosphere for any student at school and while participating in school-sponsored activities.” …
Click here for the complete Board Policy PS 426